A.SPIRE 2050 Vision: A new Value Proposition for Horizon Europe and beyond
The extent and the pace of the transitions that our society requires over the next decades are pushing the limits of human knowledge and our ability to deploy innovations. The challenges we face include climate change, growing resource scarcity and urbanisation, and the growing market demand for customised products, services and solutions that also ensure low health and environmental impacts, responsible sourcing and high-quality control.
In all these significant challenges, the European Process Industries and their research partners also see innovation and business opportunities. With this in mind A.SPIRE believes it is time to boost the transitions and has formulated a new 2050 Vison to guide its work into the EU’s Horizon Europe programme and beyond.

Value proposition
The 2050 Vision is built around a new Value Proposition:
"An integrated and digital European Process Industry, fostering a "well-below 2 degrees" scenario and a fully circular future for our planet and society."
This value proposition expresses A.SPIRE’s ambitious Vision that the future of Europe lies in strongly enhanced cooperation across sectors and across borders, enabling a meaningful step change in competitiveness and sustainability performance that brings benefits for Europe and all its citizens.
The technological gap to achieve the Vision remains huge, but A.SPIRE is ready to contribute its share to bridging the gap through ambitious Research and Innovation initiatives under the forthcoming Horizon Europe programme.
A.SPIRE’s ambition is to boost investments in Europe generating global competitiveness for EU Process Industries, better jobs and welfare for our citizens. These investments should, through the efforts of A.SPIRE Industries, deliver the technical solutions enabling the transition of the global economy towards a "well-below 2 degrees" scenario. A.SPIRE aims to develop game changing technologies towards carbon neutrality and scale them up to reach a step change in Carbon Productivity.
Vision for transformation
In its Vision, A.SPIRE is looking to transform the way industry and society works. This will require:
- ‘Connecting the dots’ – investing for smart integration of process industries across Europe. A.SPIRE’s vision is that the future of Europe lies in a strongly enhanced cooperation across industries – including SMEs – and across borders, enabling a real step change in competitiveness and sustainability performance.
- ‘Bridging the Climate Technology gap’ – investing in process industries as enablers for a carbon neutral economy, developing and scaling up the required transformative technologies and solutions.
- ‘Creating Hubs4Circularity’ – investing in process industries, regions and cities to deploy the circular economy at scale. The Process Industries will join forces with regions and cities to establish “Hubs4Circularity” for energy and resources in Europe that are crucial to deploy a circular economy at scale.
Working together, A.SPIRE believes we can make the transition.