P4P - Low Carbon Process Industries through Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture & Utilisation

The ‘Low Carbon Process Industries through Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture & Utilisation’ report, which was based on the findings from a study performed by André Bardow and Damien Green in the framework of a "project for policy (P4P)" initiative organised by DG RTD, has finally been published and can be downloaded here.

The report assesses the results from all SPIRE projects together with other projects of H2020 and other EU funded instruments, and further strengthens the position of implementing low carbon technologies in industry. Detailed in the document is the assessment of 599 European funded research projects, as well as reviewed literature from the field and a survey with the objective of collecting policy related input from project stakeholders. Included are recommendations on how to make industry in Europe more sustainable and competitive.

From an A.SPIRE perpective, we are aligned with the overall spirit of the recommendations of the P4P report. We consider that the EU’s ambitious goals to fight Climate Change requires developing breakthrough technologies, which in turn, requires high levels of investment. In the case of the Process Industries, these investments are long term, which makes the risk higher.

We agree that the EU needs to put efficiency first in policymaking, and it is important that the European Commission and the Member States are fully aware that this means continuing to finance industry, as it will not be possible for industry to reach these targets alone.

SPIRE sectors are willing to contribute their share to achieve the set goals and are currently defining a joint strategy for the next decade. We welcome the EC’s goal to double the budget for FP9 and the recommendations of the report in that sense. We consider that an important part of the budget needs to be invested in solutions for energy and resource efficiency, including CCU, Industrial Symbiosis, and digitalization as a key enabler.