Projects launch: LEADS and 2DPLOY

Climate neutrality for the European energy-intensive industries 

In January 2024, A.SPIRE launched two new projects granted under the topic HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-07 Support for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation Fund.

The two projects are:

  • 2DPLOY - Development of innovation pipelines to facilitate and promote funding proposals for deployment of low carbon technologies
  • LEADS - Creating and managing a pipeline of H2020 projects for the innovation fund on CCUS

The Coordination and Support Action (CSA) projects are funded under the Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy and Mobility) of Horizon Europe and aim at building innovation pipelines for low-carbon and CCUS technologies for energy-intensive industries (EII) from Horizon 2020 (H2020) and Horizon EUROPE (HEU) to the Innovation Fund (IF).

LEADS and 2DPLOY will significantly contribute to reaching the European Union’s carbon neutrality targets for 2030 and 2050 by supporting innovation owners transitioning from the Framework Programmes to the IF. The goal is to achieve carbon emission reduction, storage and utilisation in the European EII, with the market deployment of new technologies.

Furthermore, both projects will create synergies between EU funding programmes and key players in the energy-intensive industries sectors, hence increasing the chance of exploitation and replication of the developed solutions. 

2DPLOY provides support services to low carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries. Mature innovations from H2020 projects will be offered capacity building, tools and direct support in developing competitive proposals for the Innovation Fund. The consortium partners of 2DPLOY are SINTEF AS - Coordinator, A.SPIRE, VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZO BE, RINA CONSULTING - CENTRO SVILUPPO MATERIALI SPA, NNCEINNMAT SL, EVONIK OPERATIONS GMBH, OLEON NV and OLEON GMBH. 

LEADS focuses on accelerating the market introduction of CCUS technologies. CCUS is recognised as a key technology to reduce carbon emissions, hence justifying a dedicated project. The consortium partners of LEADS are CIAOTECH – Coordinator, A.SPIRE, AVANTIUM, TNO, NOVIS GMBH, EYDE-KLYNGEN and ADMIRIS. 

The kick-off meetings of the projects took place on the 10th of January 2024 (2DPLOY) and the 15th of January 2024 (LEADS). Together with the representatives of CINEA, DG RTD and DG CLIMA the consortium discussed methodology and strategy, stressing the importance of synergies between EU funding programmes.

The consortiums of both projects will deploy their expertise, collaborating closely with the EU institutions and industry partners. More information on the progress of the projects will be published in the upcoming months. 

A.SPIRE will engage the industrial community and its innovation owners in the projects. It is an opportunity to enhance the community’s access to the full-potential of the Innovation Fund and other alternative funding mechanisms.

If you are interested in having your project or innovation involved, please contact A.SPIRE.