LE: Check out this follow-up article providing more information on the 2nd Process Industry Conference. 


A.SPIRE is organising the 2nd European Process Industry Conference - ‘Shaping the Transformation’ - that will take place at Blue Point, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030, Brussels, on 23 and 24 October 2024.

The first day of the conference (23 October) will be an open event with members and stakeholders. The green transition and the industrial landscape will be discussed with representatives of energy-intensive industries, European partnerships (among which Processes4Planet, the Clean Steel Partnership and Clean Hydrogen) and European institutions. The day will be an opportunity for networking and exchanging insights, through engaging talks and round table discussions.  

The second day (24 October) will be an A.SPIRE members’ event dedicated to building collaboration and knowledge that inspires our constituents’ innovation for the transformation of the process industry. Thematic workshops will be organised with the collaboration of A.SPIRE members.

The 1st European Process Industry Conference – ‘A Look to the Future’ – took place in September 2017, in Brussels in the frame of the SPIRE contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP). It was a successful and fruitful transfer of knowledge and know-how between the European Commission and the process industry.

The event will feature presentations from keynote speakers and round table conversations gathering voices with expertise on the energy-intensive industry and the paths and challenges of their green transition, in the frame of the European climate and funding landscape.


A.SPIRE is confident the conference will be a prolific event, leading to a clearer understanding of the process industry’s future and the actions needed to “shape the transformation. 

More information will follow soon on the website. Stay tuned!