The goal of SET-IndEU is to enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainable energy sourcing within the European Union's process industry. SET-IndEU establishes a structured Secretariat for supporting, monitoring and reinforcing the activities and results of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) Implementation Working Group on Sustainable and Efficient Energy Use in Industry (SET Plan IWG-Industry).
The SET Plan IWG-Industry fosters the engagement of the European energy-intensive industry community, developing synergies and facilitating the dialogue between the European Commission, the SET Plan countries and stakeholders from industry and research to identify and address the actions needed to progress on the activities outlined in the Implementation Plan. Moreover, it facilitates the alignment of European and national R&I priorities in the areas of energy-intensive industry.
As the project focuses on R&I objectives and emerging industrial policy priorities, it will involve IWG-Industry stakeholders in key activities with industry and research associations and fora, specifically strengthening relations, dialogue, and exchange with the other SET Plan IWGs and the European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs).
SET-IndEU focuses on process industries – a critical component of many value chains in several EU countries. As these industries are significant energy and resource consumers, they are essential for advancing a climate-neutral energy system and supporting the circular economy. Recent EU legislative packages, such as the Net Zero Industry Act and the Critical Raw Materials Act, but also the REPowerEU package, will indeed also rely on the successful decarbonisation and improved competitiveness of the European process industry.
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This Work Package is designed to ensure the effective planning, management, monitoring and control of the project in terms of achieving project objectives, deliverables, reporting, data management, dissemination, administration, financial management and audit.
The WP2 provides organisational and logistic support to the SET-IndEU governance and its Secretariat in their day-to-day activities to ensure the project achieves its goals and missions.
The objective of this WP is to monitor the progress of the Implementation Plan (IP) targets, giving a clear picture of the status and development of Energy Efficiency and electrification in Industry (EEI) technologies in Europe and providing an initial background for the discussion on the update of the IP.
The objectives of this WP are to engage with key stakeholders active in the Energy Efficiency Transition and to reinforce, enhance and guarantee the link between other initiatives to accelerate the existing SET Plan Implementation and Energy Efficiency transition for the European Industry.
WP5 sets out strategic C, D & E actions to guarantee high visibility to the IWG6 through appropriate communication activities, dissemination of its publications, results and events, as well as the continuous engagement of IWG6 and the SET-IndEU Secretariat with the research and the industry fields, policy-makers, national-level stakeholders and civil society, to ensure effective exploitation of the project.
The Implementation Working Group on Sustainable and Efficient Energy Use in Industry (IWG-Industry) is part of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan), to which SET-IndEU contributes. Since its inception in 2007, the SET Plan has strived to accelerate the shift towards a climate-neutral energy system by fostering the advancement of low-carbon technologies. It brings together the European Commission, EU Member States and Associated Countries as well as the relevant industries and research communities to coordinate research efforts and investments.
With the adoption of the Communication on the revision of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan in October 2023, the SET Plan undergoes a revision to assist in aligning the initial strategic goals of the SET Plan with the European Green Deal, REPowerEU, and the Green Deal Industrial Plan, particularly with regard to the Net-Zero Industry Act.
Annual reports on the progress of the SET Plan are compiled by the European Commission and retrievable on the SET Plan Information System (SETIS).
The SET Plan identifies ten actions for R&I. The Implementation Working Groups (IWGs) are established to advance the SET Plan Action Implementation Plans with the aim of reaching technology targets collectively across SET Plan countries and placing Europe at the forefront of the next generation of low carbon technologies.
The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Industry (IWG6) was established in 2016. It includes national representatives from SET Plan countries and stakeholders from industry, research and academia, focussing on four industrial sectors: cement, chemicals, iron and steel, and pulp and paper. Furthermore, it also entails cross-cutting technology areas like heat and cold, systems integration, and enabling energy technologies that are applicable to all industrial sectors.
In 2021, it was renamed to IWG on Sustainable and Efficient Energy Use in Industry, to better reflect the scope which includes the transition to climate-neutral processes.
SET-IndEU is implemented by a consortium of three partners, leaders at the EU level in three complementary and strategic expertise fields.
Zabala Innovation, an innovation-led company with more than 35 years of experience in EU-funded projects, will coordinate the project implementation and ensure the highest synergies and engagement with related R&I initiatives.
European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), Europe’s largest energy research community, an association bringing together European public research centres and universities active in low-carbon energy research, will lead the technical activities of the IWG6 from the research side.
A.SPIRE, the European Association that represents ten process industry sectors and is committed to managing and implementing the Processes4Planet co-programmed Partnership from the private side, will rely on its broad community to ensure the engagement of its industrial members in the preparation of the strategic documents to be delivered.
Project outcomes will be published here.
In the next three years, SET-IndEU will submit the following public deliverables, which, once approved by CINEA, will be made available here.
WP1 – Coordination & Project Management
D1.1 – Quality Management Handbook
D1.2 – Data Management Plan
D1.3 – Final Activity Report
D1.5 – Interim Activity Report
WP2 – Organisational Support to the IWG6
D2.1 – IWG 6 Governance - Term of References
D2.5 – IWG6 Yearly Work Plan Year 1
D2.6 – IWG6 Yearly Work Plan Year 2
D2.7 – IWG6 Yearly Work Plan Year 3
D2.8 – IWG6 yearly activities reports Year 1
D2.9 – IWG6 yearly activities reports Year 2
D2.10 – IWG6 yearly activities reports Year 3
D2.11 – Analysis of IWG6 implementation Barriers
WP3 – R&I for Energy Efficiency and Electrification in Industry
D3.1 – Monitoring of the Implementation Plan 2021
D3.2 – IWG6 Implementation Plan revision
D3.3 – WP3 ad-hoc publications
WP4 – Stakeholders Engagement & Cooperation with other initiatives
D4.1 – Engagement and SSH involvement Plan
D4.2 – Annual networking events report
D4.3 – Webinars/thematic workshops Reports
WP5 – Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation
D5.2 – Reporting on Dissemination and Communication Activities Year 1
D5.3 – Reporting on Dissemination and Communication Activities Year 2
D5.4 – Reporting on Dissemination and Communication Activities Year 3
D5.6 – Business plan for a sustainable IWG6 and its Secretariat
SET-IndEU Press Release #1: Recently launched project aims to support efficient and sustainable energy use in European industry
SET-IndEU Press Release #2: New European Commission’s political guidelines 2024-2029
SET-IndEU Press Release #3: Draghi’s Report on the future of European competitiveness
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Project coordination
Maria Laura Trifiletti
SET-IndEU Project Coordinator
Media contact
Edoardo Genova
SET-IndEU Communication Manager
SET-IndEU Secretariat mailbox