SET Plan – Cooperation across SET Plan Implementation Working Groups (IWGs) Workshop (pre-event)

Strategic Energy Technology for Industry in the EU

Published on: 
Tuesday, 2 April, 2024

The SET Plan IWG6 – Industry in cooperation with the IWG4 – Energy Systems will host the Cooperation across SET Plan Implementation Working Groups (IWGs) Workshop to promote cooperation among the SET Plan IWGs.

The SET Plan IWG – Industry covering Action 6 on “Sustainable and Efficient Energy Use in Industry” together with the IWG – Energy Systems covering Action 4 on “Resilience & security of energy system” will host the Cooperation across SET Plan Implementation Working Groups (IWGs) workshop. IWG-Industry’s Secretariat has led the co-organisation of the event and will attend it together with the IWG’s Chairs and relevant technical experts

The event will be held on 24th April 2024 in Brussels at the European Commission premises and will focus on the identification of key subareas of cooperation, knowledge sharing, raising new opportunities for collaborations among IWGs and tracing the path forward. 

This will be a highly strategic activity as interlinkages exist beyond IWG6 – Industry, the IWG4 - Energy systems and the other SET Plan IWGs, which together aim to boost the transition towards a complete climate neutral energy system in Europe. The event will target the Chairs and Co-Chairs of each IWGs and their technical experts

Moreover, the event will encompass a section dedicated to “International trends on industry Energy efficiency and integration” and two-panel sessions covering “Integration of electrical renewable energy sources and storage in more flexible industrial plants interacting with the power grid(s) – challenges and opportunities.” and “Nuclear and renewable heat for industry”.

Lastly, the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIPs) FORUM will present the current activities and future collaboration with the SET Plan IWGs.

This event is by invitation only, but the SET-IndEU Secretariat will make sure to brief all the IWG-Ind members on the topics discussed afterwards.

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