With the DISIRE project the properties of the raw materials or product flows will be fully integrated in a unique inline measuring system that will extend the level of knowledge and awareness of the internal dynamics of the undergoing processes taking place during transformation or integration of raw materials in the next levels of production.
The DISIRE project has been inspired by the real existing needs of multiple industrial sectors, including the world leading sector partners in the non-ferrous, ferrous, chemical and steel industries that are highly connected and already affiliated with the SPIRE PPP and its objectives. The overall clear and measurable objective of the DISIRE project is to evolve the existing processes by advancing the Sustainable Process Industry through an overall Resource and Energy efficiency by the technological breakthroughs and concepts of the DISIRE technological platform in the field of Industrial Process Control (IPC).
With the DISIRE project the properties of the raw materials or product flows will be fully integrated in a unique inline measuring system that will extend the level of knowledge and awareness of the internal dynamics of the undergoing processes taking place during transformation or integration of raw materials in the next levels of production. In this approach, the Integrated Process Control system, instead of having external experts to tune the overall processes, based on the DISIRE concept will enable the self-reconfiguration of all the production lines by the produced products itself.
Specific DISIRE Process Analyzer Technology (PAT) will be able to define quality and performance requirements that for the first time in the process industry will be able to be directly applied on the physical properties of the developed products and thus enabling the overall online and product specific adaptation of the control system. In this way, the whole production can be fully integrated in a holistic approach from the raw materials to the end product, allowing the multiple process reconfigurations and an optimal operation based on the product’s properties that can be generalized in a whole production cycle being spanned in multiple cross-sectorial processes.
The overall DISIRE work plan is divided into 10 Work Packages (WPs); 1 is dedicated to the project management related necessities (WP10), 4 to direct research and development activities (WP1-WP4) in the area of industrial process control, electronics and sensor development and data mining, 3 to research and demonstration activities with respect to real industrial applications and process (WP5-WP8) that cover the ferrous and non-ferrous mineral processing, the steel and the combustion industries, while 1 is dedicated to dissemination and innovation purposes (WP9). Overall, the DISIRE WPs are the following ones:
From all the research and development WPs, WP1 serves a central and highly significant role, namely to establish the common ground upon which the sum of the project's requirements, application scenarios and measurable benchmarks will influence the whole activities of the project. This will be achieved via the full- scale inter-partner involvement, such that the end result is the product of the mutual exchange of application and research-critical information and the achieved consensus reflects a clear picture of all necessary project related specifications and expected impact in their detail.
The core research packages consist of WP2-WP4, which are focused on the development of DISIRE's key technological contributions that are expected to dramatically influence the current operations of the involved industrial processes and in full accordance to the common specification basis being set in WP1. The related research activities in these WPs will be performed in a self-contained approach, each fulfilling their own unique research directives and requirements. The work is being properly organized so that each of these WPs contain relatively independent scientific and technological advances and subsystems, which following the proper integration and industrialization activities will allow for the realization and assessment of the final DISIRE technological platform to four key industrial sectors within WP5-8. An important feature of these WPs is the proper incorporation of specifications being set by WP1 in order to enable the reduction of the future integration effort, mainly concerning the technological transformation of these subsystems to the real life industrial processes.
The concept and the overall impact of the proposed DISIRE technological platform will be delivered from the integration of the aforementioned subsystem primitives in the different industrial sectors being addressed specifically from WP5-8, which also contain inter partner collaboration and contribution. The whole developments in WP 2-4 will be directly influenced by WP1 and WP5-8. The challenging goal of multiple full system integration will be addressed by the DISIRE's technology provider partners that will focus on transferring the pure research results in real life industrial processes.
Furthermore, special "Integration weeks" will be organized along the timeline of the project to keep track and aid the proper execution of this goal. During the integration weeks, the produced DISIRE subsystems in the form of hardware, software or systems will undergo a partial integration procedure, where the respective WP leaders from WP2-WP4 and WP5-WP8 will be able to identify and resolve issues that arise in actual industrial scenarios and also profit from the provided cooperation opportunity. Each integration week will be performed to help in the industrial facilities of related preselected partner. This choice will be determined by the final demonstration objectives and measurable key impacts from WP1.
The overall management and oversight functions of DISIRE are contained within WP10, with a single leader assigned to it and its respective tasks. The setup of governance bodies and the functions of internal project communication, quality assurance, and economic management are responsibilities which are also located in the context of this WP.
The significance of the world wide leading industrial partners being involved, coming from the field of Mining, Mineral Processing, Steel and Chemical are ensuring that the DISIRE technologies will be applied in the full product cycle and will significantly alter the existing concepts in Integrated Process Control. Additional to the DISIRE's industrial partners, the top European RTD partners in the field of Industrial Process in collaboration with the specialized SMEs in technology and integrated solutions providers, as well as the Europe's leading industrial control supplier will ensure a direct impact of the DISIRE project in the current state of the art in the industrial processes.
The majority of the DISIRE's partners are existing members of SPIRE and the consortium is aiming in RDI activities that will revolutionize the industry sector in Europe and produce a direct and measurable impact.
This section contains abstracts and links to all the publically available deliverables of DISIRE in accordance to the Open Data Innitiative in H2020.
The aim of this document is to specify the measurable indices and the benchmark performance through which the novel sensing, PAT and IPC components developed within the DISIRE project will be evaluated and the final outcome of the project will be judged. This document thus defines the required and expected capabilities of the DISIRE technologies and relates them to specific industrial settings and evaluation procedures. The detailed specifications are obtained through an iterative process where information from all the involved partners is fused in a coherent technical specification.
Download Report
The aim of this document is to analyse the end-user reports and inputs provided by DISIRE's members that describe current approaches in the existing inline measurements, PAT analysis tools and IPC strategies. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate the best representative and demanding industrial processes and determine the impact that the DISIRE project should target in a short as well as middle-long term. This document will define the required and expected capabilities of the DISIRE technology in function of the needs of the industrial end-users. Enhancements to DISIRE's capabilities will be thus investigated in relation with the applicability of the examined scenarios and the overall TRL demonstration levels that could be achieved. In order to gather the necessary information, a technical questionnaire will be compiled and shared with all the partners. The fusion of technical descriptions and end-user requirements and suggestions will result in the detailed specifications.
The aim of this document is to indicate which are the demonstration platforms targeted by the novel DISIRE technologies. Specifically, this deliverable further details the platforms specifications in terms of the physical constraints and clarifies the requirements by introducing measurable performance indexes through which experiments and field trials will be evaluated. A particular focus is put onto the final industrial demonstrations where the integrated implementation of the DISIRE components will be shown and judged according to the described overall system requirements. The detailed specifications are obtained through an iterative process where information from all the involved partners is fused in a coherent technical specification.
The main objective of this document is to provide detailed technical specifications and guidelines regarding modelling, online system identification and propose control schemes. The presented work revolves around the industrial processes of DISIRE and is done in collaboration with WPs 5, 7 and 8. We propose and apply state-of-art streaming identification and data-driven control methodologies and always incorporate uncertainty in our analysis to operate processes in a fashion that is resilient to uncertainty.
The main objective of this document is to serve as a detailed whitepaper regarding the testing and verification procedures for DISIRE’s datadriven proposition, including the definition of computable and/or measurable key performance indicators, create a taxonomy thereof, and assess the added value of the proposed control scheme using these indicators.
This report presents sensor technology and related technical challenge divided into three main sensor areas: hot side wireless sensors, cold side wireless sensors, and fiber optical sensors. For each sensor area, the report identifies concerned processes and parameters, lists possible sensor solutions, and in detail discusses related technical challenges and ongoing work. The hot side wireless sensors will focus on measurements of temperature and oxygen content. A major challenge is thermal insulation and time of survival in the extreme environments. Here, viable solutions for life lengths of 20-30 minutes for small (8 cm) devices have been found. Furthermore, the radio environment in the hot side is unknown and will be further researched. The cold side wireless sensors will concentrate on positioning. This will be achieved through passive RFID in the transportation chain, and through 3-dimensional signal strength or time-of-flight solutions in storage areas. Also here, the radio environment is a challenge. In order to better handle this, technical development focuses on the implementation of solutions using the 13.56 MHz frequency band. The fiber optic sensors will be used to measure process temperatures in areas with relatively low (< 300◦ C) temperatures. Concerned process sections include the LPG header in the cracking furnace, temperature across the naphtha header and temperature profile of the primary fractionators distillation column. Challenges regarding fiber optic sensors include resistance to higher temperatures and cost picture.
This deliverable presents the small scale validation of high temperature protection solutions, radio performance in hot pellets environments, and positioning estimation performance. All validations have been performed in industrial environments. The high temperature protection was evaluated in a 1200◦C environment. The performance agree very well with previous simulations, and show that the developed concept can be used for future DISIRE sensors in hot environment. Using the developed protection, a radio test was performed with the system embedded in 900◦C hot pellets. The test showed that the usage of a low radio frequency (433 MHz or below) is to be preferred to reduce attenuation. The position measurement validation verified the findings in the radio test on the need for a low frequency for data transmission. Magnetic field beacon signals were however clearly readable, and position estimates of 1 m was achieved in free air.
In line with the overall scope of the project, this deliverable is focused to the application of an innovative technology into a well-known production environment to enhance the process control and/or data reliability and availability. This document aims mainly to present the design of the Demonstrator that is going to be realised in order to test the effectiveness of the Fiber Optic temperature sensor into chemi-cal plants. It will measure the temperature of the stream of the “LPG Header” toward the furnace. The implementation of the system is foreseen before the end of this year. The Demonstrator has been designed according to several requirement and on the base of specific needs rise up during the first phase of the project, as reported in deliverable D1.3.
The purpose of this document is learning and understanding the types and purpose of the sensory data collected in typical production processes of the process industry. Understand-ing the data collection and streaming technologies for typical sensory systems. Together with control and industrial experts, define the process and product state data needed for imple-menting engineering and statistical process control. This document summarizes the main findings from the industrial process discovery stage and describes the planned implementation of the ‘Data Mining’ workflow. Furthermore, this docu-ment describes the different types of sensory data in our partners’ industrial processes. Next, it goes on to explain WP4 in terms of its two main components: the IT module which is respon-sible for reading and preparing sensor data for statistical analysis and the Statistical Engine module which will be responsible for analysis the data.
This report concerns the belt conveyor network in KGHM. The general principles of the transportation system are given, including the rules and constraints. The network data is provided and sensor data is described. Stochastic models of ore mass flow are fitted and validated. In this report also an analysis of Cu content in ore streams for IPC and modeling of ore lithology are included. The problem of energy efficiency in belt conveyor network is investigated, including analysis of belt conveyor resistance to motion. Finally, sensor data relations are modelled for continuous-time fault detection system.
The purposes of this document, is to describe how we will proceed in experiments that are designed to study the flow behaviour of RFID sensor platforms in silos and in the pellet transportation chain. Experiments will be carried out at LKAB/MEFOS. Variables such as the detection rate and abilities to control the experimental environment will determine the sizes and details of these experiments. The purpose of this document is also to study the readability due to long distances and unknown radio environment, uncertain orientation of transponders, mechanical and electrical interference, and separation due to size and density. Sensor survival in high temperatures is the most challenging part and will be tested in static ovens at LKAB/MEFOS.
This deliverable describes furnace tests made for developing the sensor technique and evaluate the performance of the sen-sors in steel industrial environment. Tests were made at 1250°C in a laboratory electrical furnace and also inside a bed of pellets heated to 950°C. The tested wireless sensors did operate and survive 25 minutes in the 1250°C furnace and for 30 minutes in a hot (900°C) pellets bed environment. Even though the full process time last hours lasts longer the duration of the tests made inside furnaces is of large value. For a walk-ing beam furnace several sensors can be used simultaneously or in sequence since it is possible to drop sensors at more than one position. Measurements can increase the understanding of the process and can be used for the tuning of existing models or for the development of new ones.
The aim of this document is to review the available technologies in oxygen measurements, mainly in combustion flue gases at high temperature. The scope is to screen the most suitable alternatives to measure oxygen in cracking furnaces. A review of all modern commercial technologies for oxygen sensing has been carried out (at high and low temperature and with point measurement and optical techniques). Two technologies have been selected: zirconia potentiometric and tunable diode laser sensors. These technologies have been studied in detail and a research of manufacturers and model available has been carried out.
The aim of this document is to present the first preliminary results on CDD simulations of cracking furnaces of DOW Chemicals Ibérica S.L. (DCI) facilities. An analysis of hydrodynamics and combustion in the industrial furnaces has been carried out with the aim of characterize the best placement of oxygen sensors. A comprehensive model of complete furnace (including radiant and convective zones) has been developed and partially validated with plant data. Additionally six different operational scenarios have been studied in order to evaluate the effect of combustion in thermal steam cracking process for two different feedstocks. This work lays the foundations to the further optimization of combustion process.
The aim of this deliverable is to report all the developed and scheduled activities that will aim to increase the public visibility of the DISIRE project. This document is a live document that will be also updated in the future on a needed basis.
This deliverable will report all of the developed and scheduled activities that will aim to increase the public visibility of the DISIRE project.
The aim of this deliverable is to plan and to implement a series of commercialization and product development workshops, live demonstrations, media shows.
The aim of this deliverable is to develop an interactive framework of innovation tools, which can provide support and guidance to the DISIRE partners on how to foster innovation whithin the DISIRE project. This document is a live document that will be updated in the future on a needed basis.
As part of Horizon 2020, the DISIRE project participates in a pilot action on open research data. The aim is to provide indications as to what kind of data the project will collect, how the data will be preserved and which sharing policies will be adopted towards making research data readily available to the research community.
Current methods and possibilities to determine the variability of Cu content in the copper ore on a conveyor belt in one of KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. minesProject
DISIRE (H2020) – an idea of annotating of ore with sensors in the KGHM PM S.A. underground copper ore mines
Fault Diagnosis, Failure Prognosis and Fault Tolerant Control of Aerospace/Unmanned Aerial Systems
The objectives of the Information Management Office (IMO) is to support DISIRE consortium partners within their innovation activities and with a helpful and interactive framework of innovation tools and methods (IIT - Interactive Innovation Toolkit) as well as to provide them with practical examples in order to foster successful realization of the project idea and drive profitable innovation. As such, the IMO conducted a series of workshops and trainings to address specific challenges of research commercialization such as time to market, design quality and functionality, manufacturability and cost efficiency in all anticipated user environments. The key activities of the Information Management Office are as follows:
The Interactive Innovation Toolkit (IIT) is a collection of best practices that provide practical advice and guidance to the DISIRE partners on how to foster innovation within the DISIRE consortium. The motivation behind IIT is to guide the successful realization of the project idea into real products or business models, which requires a structured innovation process and a problem solving approach. Thus, the IIT aims to support partners within their innovation acti-vates and gives easily accessible, helpful and interactive framework of innovation tools and methods which can be applied at each stage of the innovation process within the DISIRE project.
Methods & Tools: Innovation Process, Design Thinking, Innovation Flowchart, Gener-ating Ideas, Product Development, Research commercialization, Stakeholder analy-sis tools, Risk management Tools, Outputs & impact review tools.
Porter's five forces analysis.
Good understanding of the market is of upmost importance for the commercial success of every product and service. Therefore, one of the main activities of the IMO is to analyse all relevant market data regarding customers, competitors, market trends and barriers and cross-check it against all the knowledge and technical results obtained from the execution of the technical activities in the DISIRE project. Hence, this will contribute substantially to the successful implementation of the project’s exploitation and commercialization activities, creation of the business cases for the efficient deployment of the projects's exploitation results in order to attain the highest possible impact.
Methods & Tools: Desktop Research, Expert interviews, Questionnaires
Business Model Canvas - Source
Business model is the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value. Using the data about the market environment and the identified potential customers, the IMO assists the DISIRE consortium to define how it could generate long-term revenues after the end of the funding period. As such, the IMO guides the partners in the definition of specific business cases and the development of siutable business models. Furthermore, the IMO helps to define the role of individual partners in making these business models work.
Methods & Tools: Workshops, Business Model Canvas, Business Development Booster Activity supported by the EU
Next to the strategy development and the internal discussion related to the development of business model alternatives, the IMO supports the consortium partners in the dissemination of findings through participation and organization of workshops, conferences and events, newsletters, press releases and publications.
Methods & Tools: Events, Conferences, Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter), Website, Newsletter
Please get in touch with us for more information about any of the tools and methods used in the project DISIRE.
George Nikolakopoulos DISIRE Cordinator Professor on Robotics and Automation Luleå University of Technology Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering Email: SE-97187 Luleå, SWEDEN URL: