Annual A.SPIRE Brokerage (2023)
The Brokerage
A.SPIRE is organizing its next brokerage in the run up to the 2024 Horizon Europe Calls. It will take place on the 20th of September 2023 in DoubleTree Hotel (Brussels), Sycamore Ballroom 2. The objective of the A.SPIRE brokerage is to provide additional value to ASPIRE members regarding their preparation and participation in such calls. The brokerage will focus on the five Processes4Planet calls in 2024:
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-32: Optimisation of thermal energy flows in the process industry
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-34: Renewable hydrogen used as feedstock in innovative production routes
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-35: Turning CO2 emissions from the process industry to feedstock
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-38: Hubs for circularity for industrialised urban peripheral areas
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-41: Breakthroughs to improve process industry resource efficiency
The event is limited to A.SPIRE members; registrations are now closed; the event reached capacity.
The brokerage takes place in the Sycamore Ballroom 2, ground floor.
8h30 Registration and welcome coffee
9h15 Opening & Processes4Planet 2024 topics
- Opening: Jürgen Tiedje, European Commission
- Presentation of the Processes4Planet 2024 topics by the A.SPIRE APG - Sebastian Engell, Franz Horzenberger, Sophie Wilmet, Dorota Pawlucka, and Richard Heyn.
10h00 Pitches of project ideas and organizations’ capacities
- Pitches presented by A.SPIRE Members to all participants; facilitated by Evelina Paunksnyte and Bruno Mesquita.
10h45 Break
11h Networking tables (Round 1)
- Organized by pitch and facilitated by the respective pitcher. Participants choose 2 pitches they were interested in. There will be two 20mins time slots. The participants head to the networking table of their preference for the 1st 20 mins, and then move to the second table for the second 20mins. In each table they will be able to learn more details from the pitcher and engage in discussions that lead to potential cooperations.
12h Networking tables (Round 2)
12h55 Closing and next steps
- Àngels Orduña, A.SPIRE Executive Director
13h Lunch
Note that the Processes4Planet Projects Forum will take place in the same venue between 13h30 and 18h.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a booklet and how to get it?
The booklet will include all the pitches, namely information about the pitcher, the project idea, the type of partners sought, etc. Before event the organizing team will make the booklet available by email to all registered participants; after event, the booklet will be sent to all A.SPIRE members.
Can I have virtual meetings after the brokerage?
Yes, you will be able to schedule online meetings with the other participants via B2Match. Or you can also use the booklet to find the pitchers that interest you.
Is the event hybrid?
The event will be in-person only, but A.SPIRE members can still benefit from the brokerage in case attendance is not an option. A pitches booklet will be made available to allow interaction and matchmaking between pitchers and interested parties that could not attend the event.
This page was last updated on 15-Sep-2023